ISKCON’s children’s activity book, “Becoming Your Devotee” by Gourangi Gandharvika, was released on the first day of ISKCON Leadership Sanga. HH Jayapataka Swami authorized this book by personally signing it when it was offered to him on an auspicious day when Srila Prabhupada also started his Back to Godhead magazines for the pleasure of his spiritual master. This book is an inspiration for all the children, teachers, and parents of ISKCON congregations worldwide.
Srila Prabhupad quoted, “It is the duty of all parents to make their child Krsna conscious so that the fortunate child may not have to take birth in the material world again”. Following the instruction of Srila Prabhupad, Young vaishnavi Gourangi Gandharvika worked hard and came up with a spiritual curriculum in the form of an activity book, “Becoming Your Devotee”, to help and support teachers and parents in making Krsna consciousness learning fun, enjoyable, and exciting. The book provides Krsna-conscious material to the children to spend time with Krsna and learn about Him in a fun way with stories, lessons, and 150 fun-filled activities.
Becoming Your Devotee explores, in-depth, below 8 interesting Krsna-conscious topics that inspired many to nourish their children’s spiritual growth and developed a love for learning about Krsna by practically engaging them in the activity of spiritual knowledge. 255 pages of ‘Becoming Your Devotee’ book starts with a question to make your child meditate on the topic. It is printed on bright paper full of bright colors to make the pages look attractive to grab the attention of your child. These colorful pages share different bits of knowledge about Krsna that go along with the pictures. There are pages to spot the differences, finish the drawing, mazes, connect the dots, arts and crafts, drama script, exercises, writing and personal application activities, word searches, music, cooking, song, discussion questions, games, and much more. There is also an answer key at the end in case the child gets stuck. Themes like colors, letters, numbers, shapes, patterns, and sight words will create excitement in children to learn, and stories and dramas will take them on an exciting artistic adventure with Lord Krsna and His friends. Such fun activities will allow kids to meditate on Krsna for hours and they will also learn and Improve reading, counting, and creativity through play. Even just one activity in a day or focusing on one chapter a week will not only make Krsna the center of your child’s life but will also help them to become a good human being with gentle and ideal character. Another important benefit of this activity book is that it will keep your child away from electronic gadgets and reduce their screen time.
Here are the 8 topics of the book for you to know:
Tilaka- Our Vaisnava Uniform
Devotional Service to Krsna
The Two Most Merciful Lords- Gaura Nitai
Learning Acamana
Offering Bhoga
Offering Arati
Following Ekadasi
9 Processes of Devotional Service
You can find more information about the book on
Whatsapp: +91 86706 21080
Visakha Devi Dasi (ACBSP) writes, “Devotee parents will find Gaurangi Gandharvika devi dasi’s Krsna conscious children’s book an engaging way to introduce their children to many basic bhakti practices and services. This is a valuable addition to your children’s library!” Indeed This book is essential for kids of all ages and more beneficial than an entire school course because it inspires them to choose and follow the path of bhakti. So, parents and teachers should take full advantage of this valuable resource. Which provides a spiritual curriculum and fun lesson plans for congregations, local temples, gift shops, schools, or sanga groups to conduct children’s programs, organize spiritual get-togethers for kids and their friends, and conduct spiritual classes without unnecessary hours of planning. Bhakti Kids created a total of 39 lesson plans for every chapter of “Becoming Your Devotee” which amounts to a minimum of 60 hours of Krsna-conscious engagement for kids!
If you do not have the book yet, you can order it here,
Amazon. in (India Only):
The books will be physically in our Mayapur office. You can order internationally via www.iskcon, or message via Whatsapp. Shipping is available worldwide.
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Special Indian Price: Rs. 1000 + Shipping.
For India, write to: to make a direct order.
If you like, we can connect you with devotees in your area who also want to order the book. Please write to us at
The author of the book, Gourangi Gandharvika DD writes, “This book is dedicated to my Guru Maharaja, HH Jayapataka Swami, who has been my greatest inspiration and pillar in my Krsna consciousness. He has dedicated his entire life to Srila Prabhupada’s instructions and at every moment is in complete surrender to Lord Caitanya’s preaching mission. He is continuously inspiring and empowering the Ministry to provide more services and support to the children of ISKCON congregations all around the world.”
We are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of part 2 of Becoming Your Devotee, named, “Krsna – My Best Friend” which will be ready at your service by the time of the Mayapur Gaura Purnima festival 2023 to create happy Krsna-conscious experiences for your children. Till then we sincerely seek your kind cooperation and support if you feel inspired by our work. In this way, we will be able to develop our services.
Thank you.