Hare Krsna dear devotees.
On behalf of ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry (CDM), we would like to express our deepest gratitude for helping us to assist in Srila Prabhupada’s preaching movement.
As you all know, Lord Nrsimhadeva is not in need of anything from us; but when we offer Him something according to our own capacity, He blesses us with everything that we need to progress in achieving the ultimate goal of our life, love for Krsna.

He gives special consideration to those who further the preaching of His Glories, just like small Prahlada. With that same spirit, Srila Prabhupada has requested us all to support the expansion of Krsna Consciousness far and wide, thus the need to help ISKCON congregations to grow exponentially.
We humbly request you to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to subscribe to our monthly offerings to Lord Nrsimhadeva to protect the congregational preaching. The benefits of these offerings will go in the name of your family and you.

Even a small act of kindness can make a big difference so we welcome all donations, no matter how small (or large!). You can make a monthly commitment or you can make a one-time donation. Please donate & help us to assist the preachers of our movement.
For more details, please write to info@iskconcongregation.com
To subscribe please visit our website https://iskconcongregation.com/cdm-subscriptions/
Your servants,
at the ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry
Central Office – Sridham Mayapur