After three long years, devotees got to see their beloved spiritual father and spiritual master, His Holiness Srila Jayapataka Swami Maharaj, the life and soul of thousands and thousands of devotees. Mayapur was packed with more than fifteen-thousand devotees, on the auspicious occasion of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaj’s 73rd Vyasa-Puja Celebration.
The festival lasted for three days, (11th,12th, and 13th April) with special lectures given by Guru-maharaj, heart-rending homages by Srila Prabhupada’s disciples, Maharaj’s senior disciples; leaders presenting their preaching reports; cultural programs followed by delicious prasadam feasts. Not only did we (at CDM) present our preaching report to Maharaj (the founder and co-minister of the Ministry), but we also had a good time running our own booth during the three days of the festival. We were successful in making new subscribers, and new contacts.
We are grateful to His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaj for being the chief captain of our Ministry, it is he who founded the Congregational Preaching Ministry. In his Vyasa-Puja address speech, he emphasized the fact that we can practice Krsna consciousness from wherever we are, be it at home or in a temple. Let us all seek his blessings and continue with the mission of practicing and sharing Krsna consciousness with anyone and everyone.