On October 28th, 2006, Chakravarty Raj, the 14 year old son of Radha Kanta Gopal das and Padma Radhika devi dasi was injured when a fire cracker burst in his face. He was immediately rushed to hospital. The doctors said that he suffered from 2nd degree burn injuries on his face and suggested (1) facial dressing immediately, (2) chemical crafting after a fortnight and then (3) plastic surgery after 6 months or 1 year.
Next morning, the parents requested Pankajanghri Prabhu to offer special offerings to Lord Nrsimhadev for the speedy recovery of Chakravarty Raj, which were duly performed.

For the next 2 days, he was just lying in bed without much movement. He could not even open his eyelids. He was then taken to Disha eye hospital at Barackpur, where they found that the carina (the white portions of the eyes) took the burn injury and the pupils were unharmed. Hence, there would be no problem with his sight and a treatment of 15 days would cure the carina.
On 2nd November morning, Padma Radhika devi dasi approached her Guru Mahraja, His Holiness Jayapataka Swami, and told him of what had happened. He gestured that he will pray for him and applied Nrsimha oil on her forehead. The same morning, Chakra was taken to Kolkata for treatment of his facial injuries

After getting an opinion at the Apollo Hospital in the morning, Chakravarty was taken to the Railway Hospital at Howrah. One of the senior Doctors tested him and confirmed that it was a second degree burn and sent him to the dressing room for initial facial dressing. But within 3 minutes one of the staff from the dressing room rushed out yelling and took the parents inside. Upon seeing Chakravarty the parents stood there motionless, struck with wonder and amazement. There was Chakra, standing and smiling, with no trace of any injury or mark on his face!! Nrsimhadev ki jai.
When asked for clarification, the Doctor and others present in that place could not give any valid reason. One of them said, “You can go back in your temple and ask you Lord about it. “yeh tho apke Bhagavan ka chamarkar hai.” “This is your Lord’s miracle.”
All glories to Lord Nrsimhadev and all glories to Sri Sri Radha Madhava.

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